Blu Ray is now available!

Fellow SIT lovers. It is now available for pre order at Amazon. March 4, 2014 is the release date. Merry Christmas indeed!

-In my mind, Christopher Reeve will always be Superman.-


I just saw the film on Netflix streaming and I was not too impressed. The whole film looks like it has been brightened up. For instance in the attic scene it was so dark you could hardly see anything but now the whole room is visible. The same with the room where Richard ends up after being sucked forward in time.

I saw this film several times in its original release and I hope the Blu-ray does a better job of replicating the way the film looked originally.

Also I hope the BD will utilize the original poster as the cover rather than the shot of Jane and Chris sitting by the lake.


Yes, I read the reviews for the blu rays first. I haven't ordered it just yet. Some of these so called remastered prints don't live up to hype.
I was just excited about the release and wanted to share the news.

-In my mind, Christopher Reeve will always be Superman.-


It's hard to tell just how dark things were originally supposed to be. It could well be that your dim memories were the result of aging bulbs in the projectors, intentionally underpowered bulbs to save money, poor projector maintenance or an incompetent projector operator. Only Jeannot Swzarc would know for sure how dark or bright he wanted it to be. My suspicion is that those scenes weren't supposed to be pitch black. Film has a relatively narrow dynamic range, and really dark surroundings would make the highlights on Chris Reeve's face look completely blown out.


Sorry to disappoint you, but I saw the film about 5 times in the theatres in the Los Angeles area where all the Hollywood premieres are held at. So aging or underpowered bulbs were not an issue here.

If the Blu-ray is like the NF streaming, then it looks nothing like its theatrical release. Universal is notorious for handling their catalog releases, and this would certainly not be the first time they screw up a catalog title.




De nada.

-In my mind, Christopher Reeve will always be Superman.-


Here's High-def Digest's review...looks pretty good


Thanks for the link and making it "clickable". You made my day! I just ordered it.

-In my mind, Christopher Reeve will always be Superman.-


My pleasure JP! I'm looking forward to watching it, hopefully soon...only seen bits and pieces over the years


The review is spot on.

I watched the blu ray last night. They did a great job!

Some scenes had noise/grain but otherwise the transfer excellent!

Some scenes contained debris but it was minimal and will not deter you from enjoying the movie!

The audio is great, dialog is crisp and clear. The music is wonderful

If you love the film this blu ray is a must own, trust me! :)
