MovieChat Forums > Somewhere in Time (1980) Discussion > can somebody PLEASE help me?????

can somebody PLEASE help me?????

I remember watching this as a young child and not being able to stop crying for days ..... and have recntly watched it again and after all these years found it equally moving as i did then. What I would like to know is what went wrong that it wasnt an absolutely massive box office hit? As far as i am concerned it is one of the greatest films of its genre EVER... was its relative failure down to bad marketing / reviews/ ... can someone in the know please shed some light???


I think if I remember rightly that the company that made it was sold to some one else. While all that was going on, the marketing side of things went to pot.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


Thank you nephihaha


From the trivia section

Last movie watched: Perfect Blue (8/10)


It was a big flop?? I remember when it was in the theater in Hong Kong, everyone was so crazy about it that they went to watch it repeatedly, which was a rare thing back then. I was still in primary school.


Yes, it was a hit in Asia, but it failed in America because it was released wide instead of gradually in select cities (which is essential for these types of films, as opposed to summer blockbusters), and since there was an actor's strike going on, the movie's stars couldn't promote it and thus it got no traction. Also, it got very mixed reviews, but that could've been overcome a la The Notebook if the film had had proper promotion, but damn the strike and the studio's lack of faith!



I don't recall it getting a lot of publicity. The only reason I knew about it was a buddy of mine told be about it. He was a big Christopher Reeve fan.


Instead of marketing this to a romance crowd, it was marketed to the sci-fi crowd (big mistake).

Also, it came out right about the same time as another time travel movie (Time after Time) that had H.G. Wells fighting against Jack the Ripper in modern day San Francisco (from memory, so some details may be wrong).

The movie failed due to bad marketing and bad timing.

Proudly defending films older than Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Miley Cyrus.




There was also an actors strike going on during the time of the release, preventing Chris Reeve, Jane Seymour, or any of the other actors from promoting it.


But I think it adds to the magic of the film. All of the crew were able to see it come to fruition through video rentals and such, on its way to becoming a cult classic. That's very rare - for a box office bomb to make such a triumphant return in other formats like that.

It was just destined to happen for this gem.


The problem was they opened small and hoped word of mouth would spread and then they'd open in lots of theaters. Also, there was an actor's strike on so the stars could not go about promoting the movie. Just really bad luck. I missed it in the theater but a friend at work told me about it so I had another friend record it for me on VHS. I figured if I get a tape of it I will need a VHS player so I bought my first VCR. As I watched it, right when Elise goes back into the dining room after first confronting Richard after he cuts in to dance with her, the tape went blank. I was devastated. Another friend successfully recorded the whole movie from his cable channel so I could see it all the way through. Stunning. I often would watch it, rewind and watch it again. Now I have the 20th Anniversary DVD and watched it again last week. It has lots of great special features. I plan with my wife to attend the 2016 SIT weekend at the Grand Hotel.
