Time is a Circle?

The old woman comes to him at the start of the movie, having already had an affair with him? But he's never seen her before.

I don't get it.

He then travels back in time to be with her.....

Can someone please explain this time loop?


Well, it's a loop, as you said. This is one common theory/version of time-travel and it's the one that this movie adopts: that when time-travel happens, it has always happened. He was always there on that day in Elise's life and she always waits until she's really old to go and find him and tell him to go back to her and he always does.



that hurts my head just to think about it!


Here's the related conundrum I have always thought about: She sees him at the beginning, says "come back to me" and gives him a watch. Where did she get the watch? From him, when he was with her in the past.

Q: Where did the watch come from?


It's a chicken or egg paradox. The cycle has no beginning. Theoretically it would have no end. But since that pocket watch is the same watch going back and forth, eventually it will break, and she won't have a watch to give to him anymore..
