Ghost in fursuit

I am fascinated by the scene where Wendy sees the ghost wearing a fursuit giving a bj to another ghost.

What did the ghosts do when they werent trying to drive the caretakers insane? Were they allowed to socialize with anothers ghosts? Were they always trapped in some 1920's party roles? Its obvious that their souls were trapped in the hotel, but were they allowed to wander freely around the hotel?

Were the two gay ghosts lovers in the hotel at some point who for some reason died or did they develope a romantic feelings for each others as ghosts?


They are just replaying the past events in perpetuity. Most believe Horace Derwent is the guy getting blown. He owned the overlook and had a ball there in the novel. The guy blowing him was just an underling that he messed with occasionally.

I think the ball is reenacted every night during the winter because that was the height of the hotels decadence. The Torrance family simply couldn't see the party until the night they all snapped.


I always wondered if that scene is what triggered the Furry movement.
