MovieChat Forums > Scanners (1981) Discussion > Plot Holes? Why Did Revok Go On a Rampag...

Plot Holes? Why Did Revok Go On a Rampage Early On?

If he's already the head of the Pharma company making Ephemerol and wants to stay off the radar what's the point of the entire scene with him blowing up some dude's head at a ComSec meeting and then killing the thugs? This happens after Cameron is captured and everything happens in the present with the exception of the film Ruth shows Cameron of Revok in 1967 at the age of 22.

When Keller is appointed head of security, Ruth reveals that there's an underground group of scanners lead by Revok. But later when Cameron infiltrates this group, Revok has nothing to do with this group and is trying to kill them.

If we're supposed to believe that Revok's rampage was part of the plan to have Keller appointed to head of security which would then give Revok access to ComSec and its computer system, then we're expected to believe an advanced computer program and a complicated plan somehow happened overnight once Keller was appointed?

At the end, Cameron says Ruth is a great man then a few minutes later he tells Revok he's just like Ruth when Revok talks about taking over the world. Why the contradictions?

The plot seems to be a jumbled mess at times, flip-flopping between what's really going on, who is really out to get who and why.

Either that or I just wasn't paying close enough attention. Flawed or not, I still think this is a great movie.


Was he surprised by the scanners who were starting to work for ComSec and letting people know they existed?


And wasn't Revok's company, Biocarbon Amalgamate a subsidiary of ConSec? If so, wouldn't they have access to ConSec's computer system?


'Cause that Scanner waz a punk, suck'n up to the man.


Good point. He wants to kill any scanners who aren't on his side, but going into the meeting like that would get a lot of attention. Was that scene there just to get the famous head images?

Saw it for the first time in 15 years or so. Maybe another viewing, to look at these plot holes.
