Incredibly Boring

I'll watch just about anything, but eventually just turned this movie off.
I didn't even care how it ended.
I wondered why a well-known movie with big name actors would be included in a compilation DVD of cheap horror movies, and now I know why; it's about as exciting as watching paint dry, only slower.
And I'm not really that picky when it comes to movies; I'll usually WATCH about anything, even if I don't overall enjoy the movie.


Paces itself, so the killer doesn't just mindlessly murder anyone he comes across. Seems to be why horror fans either like it or hate it.

Couldn't you at least skip to the murder scenes and the killer's unmasking?

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^ The unmasking isn't worth the wait, in my opinion. haha.


Well there's always Transformers for you!


You're a pretentious *beep*


I totally agree,i have never been so BORED watching a supposedly good horror movie in my entire life!
I was looking forward to finally seeing this well known horror flick,i did force myself to sit through it all,but it is not a film a would EVER watch again.

3 out of 10.



There was a lot of hype about this being one of the best 80's slashers.. But it's not.. Mediocre at best


I think part of the problem is they spent too much time on things that weren't really necessary. That part about Murch, all those scenes of the police thinking he killed Robin and he's a threat, were not necessary. We the audience knew that no child molester had killed Robin and it also didn't make sense that Murch would be the one stalking the four kids who did cause Robin's death. How would he have known who they were/that they killed Robin and caused him to be accused of it? Even though we didn't know who the shadow was that falls on Robin after she dies, it wouldn't make sense that Murch would know the names of the kids.

It was obvious it was someone who cared about Robin enough to want revenge, so that made it clear it was a family member.

I don't think we needed even that long dance scene between Nick and Kim. No one cares about the Kim/Nick/Wendy triangle. Not that the dance wasn't good and funny, but still.

Wendy's chase scene was too long and the death wasn't even that memorable. I think the only memorable deaths were Slick and Lou, and the ironic thing about that is, they weren't even part of the group that had destroyed Robin.

Also, it was cheaply and poorly filmed, half the time I was just trying to see what was going on.

What I don't understand is, if Alex knew all along who had caused Robin to die, then why didn't he just tell the family and the police?


I agree with you about Murch. If he wanted revenge, he would have gone after the police who ruined his life, not the kids.

The Kim/Nick/Wendy triangle was important to establish Wendy's character as being a total bitch. So when Wendy gets killed, we enjoy it all the more.

And since the Kim/Nick/Wendy triangle was crucial in establishing Wendy's character, it made her long chase scene all the more thrilling.

Yes, it was cheaply made, but I thought some of the grainy, daytime scenes added to the movie's creepy atmosphere.

Alex was just a child when he witnessed his sister's death. Children usually process trauma in ways that are different than adults. Just look at how many sexually abused kids keep their molestation a secret.


I hadn't thought of the triangle establishing Wendy's character. I guess I thought of her as a bitch from the start because she was the one that encouraged everyone to stay silent about Robin's death.

I like the daytime scenes, like in Friday the 13th, because I don't like today's horror movies in that half the time it's so dark I can't see what's going on! However I had that problem with this movie in some of the classroom scenes when Wendy is hiding, I could hardly see what was going on when she and the girl who almost had sex with her boyfriend was behind the stage.

I guess I just thought it was weird that Alex wouldn't be anxious to let his family know who had killed Robin, and that he would keep the secret that long, when he could have just gotten justice for Robin by telling.


For myself, it has nothing to do with pacing. The characters themselves do not interest me at all.


Not only were the characters not very interesting, but many of them were actually quite redundant and played no part in the final outcome. I would say all that was largely due to a weak script. I know this film had some kind of a cult following, but I personally find it rather disappointing and overrated.

We see clearly from the very beginning how Robin died and so know that the homicidal psychopath Murch was not responsible. Yet the father and the authorities believed that he killed Robin, although there was no sign of molestation. If I were the scriptwriter, I would at least have Murch coming to the prom to mess up things a little by murdering one or two people, and the father and detective trying to get him. Also, since the father believed Murch murdered his daughter, he could not possibly be the killer of those girls. It was rather funny that Murch was caught off-screen. Both he, the parents, and even the detective ultimately had no confrontation or even interaction whatsoever with the real killer at the prom.

Jamie Lee Curtis was wasted in the film. She was the “scream queen” of the period, but given that the killer had no wish to harm her, there was little for her to scream about. Kim was reduced to a secondary character, and in a way her role in the film was quite dispensable too.



Apparently a lot of the good stuff, such as the killer making phone calls and ripping photographs was added in after the film was finished, which, if you ask me, if it had not been added in it would have been a duller film than it already is.

Obviously my point here is that if the director had his way the film it may have been a duller film than it already was.

The film has a washed out and dull look to it as well which I think is symbolically saying that this is a dull film.

I have to admit to liking 2 more than 1 although 1 is usually more my thing. I have still to see 3 and 4 so I can't comment on them all.


I never saw 4, so I can't comment, but 3 is a comedic horror, which is a subgenre that does not appeal to me at all.
