Not only were the characters not very interesting, but many of them were actually quite redundant and played no part in the final outcome. I would say all that was largely due to a weak script. I know this film had some kind of a cult following, but I personally find it rather disappointing and overrated.
We see clearly from the very beginning how Robin died and so know that the homicidal psychopath Murch was not responsible. Yet the father and the authorities believed that he killed Robin, although there was no sign of molestation. If I were the scriptwriter, I would at least have Murch coming to the prom to mess up things a little by murdering one or two people, and the father and detective trying to get him. Also, since the father believed Murch murdered his daughter, he could not possibly be the killer of those girls. It was rather funny that Murch was caught off-screen. Both he, the parents, and even the detective ultimately had no confrontation or even interaction whatsoever with the real killer at the prom.
Jamie Lee Curtis was wasted in the film. She was the “scream queen” of the period, but given that the killer had no wish to harm her, there was little for her to scream about. Kim was reduced to a secondary character, and in a way her role in the film was quite dispensable too.