MovieChat Forums > Prom Night (1980) Discussion > If you guys loved Halloween and Prom Nig...

If you guys loved Halloween and Prom Night

Then you guys should see the marathon I did for these movies titled When A Man Stalks Jamie Lee Curtis. You can check it out on my blog.

Halloween is a classic. Prom Night is more of a product of Halloweens success although it never reaches the same level of terror and suspense. However, it works great in a Jamie Lee Curtis marathon. Hehe


Here's link to this guy's article because the OP probably forgot

Strange to see no Terror Train but that cop film Blue Steel.

Anyways I skimmed through it decent stuff.

Halloween(1978) is a classic deserving of it's title
Prom Night(198) is a underrated gem in the subpar slasher sub-genre
Halloween II(1981) is a solid sequel that almost out beats the original but still that's a hard mark to beat.
*ADDED*Terror Train is better than Prom Night in my books and his JLC's best non-Halloween slasher film day more underrated.
Blue Steel ehh I've seen it a long time ago and remember not enjoying all that much.
Halloween H20:20 Years Latter a great installment in the franchise but not as good as some of the others and is a bit contemptible in it's white washing of 3-6 still great tough.

Anyways clever idea for a blog and I'll certainly check out your other blogs.
