I thought Billy in Scream was the one the filmmakers were purposely trying to make obvious. We all thought that when we watched it. Then we thought "Nah, too obvious." But you still weren't sure because he gave you the creeps. Then he stages his own death and you figure you are wrong about it the whole time. But in the end you are right when he comes to again.
So sometimes the most obvious choice is the right choice and the filmmakers know that you probably just think it is a red herring. But in all honesty, if you "knew" who the killer was you would have stopped watching. No, you just "suspected" who the killer was in these movies.
In Prom Night there are plenty of red herrings. It could be any 4 of the Hammonds. Then the janitor, Nick, the escaped killer, etc. Slick is a long shot until he gets killed and is eliminated. I had it narrowed down to Alex and Mr. Hammond at the end because I figure Kim and Mrs. Hammond could move quite so fast like that.
But either way, just because I "thought" I had it narrowed down to two doesn't mean I knew for sure. Heck, in "Happy Birthday to Me" it is obvious the WHOLE movie who the killer is, right up until the reveal until...............well, I'll leave it at that.