Guilty Pleasure?

Its hard to say this considering how campy, cheesy, and almost laughably bad this movie is...

but I loved it, its such a fun movie to watch, and its not pretentious or self-important; it knows its bad, its comfortable with it.

Not to mention the cast is about as perfect as you can get. Plus, Shelley Duvall is *amazing* (even if she does think aliens live inside her).


i thought i was the only one who liked this movie. i agree, so much fun, very touching and sweet as well as campy/cartoony always liked it.


I grew up watching Popeye (the cartoon) so I brought a lot of baggage to the theater when Popeye (the movie) opened.

I thought it was indescribably creepy. By "indescribably", I mean I simply cannot articulate what exactly bothered me. The entire set, while technically well-done, came off as campy and (again) creepy and strange. I left the movie feeling as though my memory of the cartoon had soiled and in bad need of a bath.

One of my weirder movie experiences.

Another poster who said it made Tim Burton possible was right on. Burton is most definitely not my cup of tea. His movies give me the willies. {shiver!}


I really enjoy this as well. I think the campy and cheesy which makes it so great, since that was the cartoons.

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I saw this in the cinemas at the time of release and I felt disappointed. It was badly executed and so slow.

Its that man again!!


This is one of my favorites ever since seeing it as a kid.

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