City of the Living Dead Blu-Ray

While this is great news I wish they had kept the original poster art or even changed the name of the film back to its original title "Gates of Hell", which is in my opinion a much more bad ass title than the generic "City of the Living Dead."


The title "Gates of Hell" is NOT the original title of this film. Just a title solely intended for the US market with the film itself heavily edited.
The original Italian title "Paura Nella Città Dei Morti Viventi" translated to english would be "Fear in the City of the Living Dead".
So this title makes more sense as well as being more close to its original title.
Also, the earlier american artwork (with that half skull with skyscrapers or something behind) totally sucked.
The artwork for this new release is the original 1980 Italian artwork as seen on theatrical posters.

"The soul that pines for eternity shall outspan death you dweller of the twilight void come Dunwich."
-Inscription on Dunwich tombstone


Damn, really? I grew up with The Gates of Hell being the title (I would rent the paragon VHS way back in the day), as well as the cover art being that floating zombie head with sky scrapers. It's cool for Blue Underground to go back and use the true original Italian artwork though.
