Trying to remember a movie need help?

Im wondering if anyone could help me out about a movie i saw but cant remember the name it has something to do with a underwater part in a church and unleashing some kind of demon and theres 2 girls in the water one dies then one gets away..and i think theres a guy who has two girls in his house upstairs who are also demons that he has tied up, help me out plz?



Hmm..sounds interesting but i haven't the slightest. You may want to post this question on the HORROR board. They're pretty knowledgeable there.


thank you!


It is called Children of the Night. It has the guy from 21 Jump Street in it. They are vampires that live underwater for some reason, what is even more stupid is that their lungs (I think it was their lungs, I can't bring myself to watch it again to find out for you, lol) are hanging out of their mouths. If that is not it, then I am not sure what you are talking about. But be forewarned, the movie is not so good.

Here is the trailer on Youtube:

And here is the IMDB code:



"" luoS siH eM dloS liveD ehT ""


I remember that one. It started off good but, got pretty campy. &
