Song in the movie

When the girl ( I forget her name) gets kidnapped by that sleazy taxi driver and taken to his apartment. What's the name of the song that's playing in the background?



She wasn't kidnapped, he asked her if she wanted to get high and she said yes and they went back to his place.


Just answer the dam question ...yes or no...


I guess it's called "Blue Hotel." It was written by a Canadian fella (Tom Lavin) who also wrote and performed the "Sorry Just Won't Do" song that plays when Hopper gets fired from the dump. I think he was primarily a session musician who recorded some original compositions for the movie (a la John Buck Wilkin - a session guy who did most of the score for Hopper's The Last Movie). Lavin can be seen in "Out of the Blue" as the guy playing acoustic guitar in Hopper's living room, in the "getting out of jail" party scene. Lavin used to have a website that discussed all that I've mentioned above, but it's been gone for a number of years now. Hope that helps. Cheers.


Yes it does. Thanks very much.


I loved that song. I've been googling it every way I can imagine trying to figure out what it is. Thanks.



The music was composed by Tom Lavin who was/is the leader of the very popular Vancouver based Power Blues Band. Songs from their Uncut album featured in Out Of The Blue are, Doing It Right, Sweet Little Girl and What Have I Been Drinking. He also composed three solo (?) tracks for the film, The Streetfighter, Sorry Just Won't Do (the Bob Seger sounding song featured in the dump firing scene) and Your Daddy. Have no idea if these have been released in any form but would love to know. As for the song playing in the background during the hotel room scene, 'Blue Hotel' it definitely doesn't sound like Lavin so it has to be some other mystery artist. Also the credits have a guy called Jim Byrne as the party singer not Tom Lavin. This film has been a favourite of mine for years. Has stuck with me from when i saw it first. Anyone know if the 'solo' tracks are available anywhere? The song Kill All Hippies by Primal Scream has audio outtakes from OOTB, that work really well
