MovieChat Forums > Out of the Blue Discussion > Discussion: How many kids did Hopper kil...

Discussion: How many kids did Hopper kill in the crash?

<contains spoilers>

That was a terrible crash, when he drove the truck into the school bus; I just wondered if all or most of the kids were killed in the crash and if so, why he only had to do 5 years in jail?
Some of the audio is a little vague and not easy, either due to bad mic placing, loud music in background, or mumbling/drunk characters/delivery.
At one point, when Hopper (whatever his character's name is) is released from jail, the dude with the mustache walks in and wants to 'talk' with him about his son; one assumes his son was one of the ones killed in the previous wreck, and he wants to kick his ass over it; it just isn't very clear in the dialogue between the two/three (Don Gordon interjects also); you would think he would have more people pissed off at him, after seeing that Mack truck t-bone that school bus.
Hopper really was a mess in this film (seemed he was drinking in real life, not just as the character required), and I don't think he would have run over the boss's shack with the bulldozer (while drinking whiskey in front of the boss!) and NOT gone back to prison for a parole violation! Maybe Canada doesn't believe in that! ;)

"Now, I know I'm pretty, but I ain't as pretty as a coupla titties!"


Well, one thing, did it ever say where the Mack Truck hit the schoolbus kids? I remember a line of dialogue, "Didn't your daughter ride the bus?" But I don't know if it meant she usually road the SAME schoolbus. So, if it was something out of town or whatever, perhaps most of the other parents moved on or whatever, didn't keep up with when he was getting released out of jail. Just a quick guess, looked like 20 kids on the bus. 5 years does seem like a short stint, but this was 1980, and he could've gotten 10 years, really -- 5 on good behaviour. Maybe took some AA classes (which obviously didn't work).

This film has some truly bizarre dialogue, doesn't it? Especially all the stuff near the end... "I THOUGHT YOU'D FORGOTTON!" "HAVE A GOOD LOOK!" and all the stuff leading up to that. Weird, but disturbing..

pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.


I don't know, but if you were drunk driving and killed a bus-load of kids, I would imagine you would get 20-to-life, not just 5-10 years! That really was a shocker towards the end, for sure! Damn.

"Now, I know I'm pretty, but I ain't as pretty as a coupla titties!"
