80s movies + books

I managed to find a copy of the book for this movie on Amazon. Of course, there are a few variations from the movie.

I was wondering, does anyone know if there are any other 80s movies that also have books?


I read the book, It was different from the movie. All the curse words were elimated. The character Mike was discribed as just a big strong weightlifter. He was not much of a fighter. In the movie Mike was a street fighter, he knew how to fight in the movie better than he did in the book. Linderman took on mike very easy in the book. In the movie Mike got few shots in on Linderman by knocking the wind out of him. ''It was pretty good.


I read the book, It was different from the movie. All the curse words were elimated. The character Mike was discribed as just a big strong buffed weightlifter. He was not much of a fighter. In the movie Mike was just a street punk. He wasn't too physical big. he knew how to fight in the movie better than he did in the book. Linderman took on Mike very easy in the book without Mike hitting him once.


Many 80's movies have books -- although some may have been written after the fact.

I had books for ET, Star Wars, and The Empire Strikes Back. I also had a book for The Seduction (with Morgan Fairchild). I had a photobook based on The Jerk.



I just got it and want to post some shots of it so those who haven't seen it can see what's in it. It's a curious little book and I mean LITTLE since it's like 94 pages or something. it's like a pamphlet!! It only cost me a dollar, though. lol

Don't threaten ME with a dead fish!
reg: 4/4/00 | posts: 1979
