Mansion,Street + School

As well as the mansion in the first story(shadmock),does anyone recognise (I know this is a stretch)the street where Britt Ekland was doing her shopping? and the school where her son 'I'm a viscount,I'm better than all of you',is?

Logan 5


Well, the Mansion is Knebworth House

I can only Presume, that due to what was more than likely a Limited Budget, that they would have utilised other Buildings in the same area, if not actually on the Grounds of Knebworth House itself

Hope this helps :-)



Thanks,the mansion q bugged me since this film reappeared on Bravo round about 97.Seems a shame that James Laurenson aka Shadmock didnt appear more often on the screen,particularly in this genre,he was in some Hammer house of horror stories and delivered equally well.Also the beautiful Barbara Kellerman,Shadmocks victim,whatever happened to her? Strange!

My mother from outside,when I born,she be put into box,and dug up for great eating!


Barbara Kellerman cropped up in a Hammer House of Horror episode- "Growing Pains"- and later became the drop-dead-gorgeous snow queen in the BBC production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

James Laurenson still crops up here and there on TV from time to time and he's still instantly recognisable, always brings a smile to us Monster Club fans, though earlier he played a great role in the rather-better-than-it-first-appears low-budget Brit-flick "Assault", recently re-issued by Network DVD.
