Second Humgoo Image
Hi all, this is my photoshop job of the second main Humgoo Image.
I am curious to be sent a copy of the genalogy chart people seem to know about.
The final Humgoo- Victorious image can be found below.
This was the hardest to do as it shows various parts with hidden edges so I had to do a lot of cloning and masking which you can tell. But hope the youtube quality is ok enough.
Still at least a rough version is better than nothing.
I will try to do the simpler images of Humgoo:
Gnawing on Bones
These are simpler than the last two in the movie as they are stills with zooms mostly.
Please also check out my Photoshopped image of the Terminator 2 stabbing
and the melted T-1000 further in my album.#
Enjoy - let me know what you think again.