Second Humgoo Image

Hi all, this is my photoshop job of the second main Humgoo Image.

I am curious to be sent a copy of the genalogy chart people seem to know about.

The final Humgoo- Victorious image can be found below.

This was the hardest to do as it shows various parts with hidden edges so I had to do a lot of cloning and masking which you can tell. But hope the youtube quality is ok enough.

Still at least a rough version is better than nothing.

I will try to do the simpler images of Humgoo:

Gnawing on Bones

These are simpler than the last two in the movie as they are stills with zooms mostly.

Please also check out my Photoshopped image of the Terminator 2 stabbing

and the melted T-1000 further in my album.#

Enjoy - let me know what you think again.



Ahh! Thank you So much!! i have been trying to get a copy of these images for over 7 years!!!!! I even wrote John bolton (the artist) but never got a reply. I ordered a bunch of his books/comics, but even the Monster Club-Comic images werent exactly the same as they are in the movie. Thank you and keep up the good work. Ide love to see them all. Cheers!



Yes, thank you again! I also tried to contact John Bolton and got no response. That genealogical chart has got to turn up somewhere.


Last year I replied to the "hume -goo" post on this film re:John Bolton as Concept artist- I'd contacted an employee via his own website and they were selling some of the original art work off! I've had hard drive problems and no longer have the email they sent me but think? they wanted £300 each, they didnt have them all unfortunatly. If anyone stumps up the funds can I have a copy for the tip?


*deep sigh*

I'd love to own some artwork from this film, especially the genealogical chart.

More science, less fiction.
