Red cover, blue cover

What's the difference? Which came first? What songs are left out?

Thanks for any help you can give. :)

Mama just loved her little sweet potato baby, with a face like a parboiled yam.


The VHS release with the blue cover was released first. This release contains all the original songs. The VHS release with the red cover came out years later. This release replaces two songs, My Love by John Lennon, and Let Your Love Flow by The Bellamy Brothers. The two songs are replaced with generic songs.


I have the red cover and the John Lennon and Bellamy Brothers songs are on it.

"This is no fun! Oh bollocks, why should I carry on?" - Johnny Rotten


A friend of mine owns the VHS red cover release and the songs on her release were replaced. My guess is Paramount reissued the red cover release a second time, with the second release containing the replaced songs.


I also have the red cover and both of the songs are on there also.


Thanks for the help, everybody. I want to get as much of the original music as I can :)


Mama just loved her little sweet potato baby, with a face like a parboiled yam.


Thanks again to all. I was able to get a used copy of the original version. Usually I don't care about songs but Oh My Love was so perfect in that film.

God save Donald Duck, vaudeville and variety


I have the red cover and all of the songs are on it.


You have the red cover with the John Lennon and Bellamy Brothers songs? My red cover doesn't have those.


Sorry this so late but yes I do have the red cover with the John Lennon and Bellamy Brothers song.


Better late than never, and I'm still here! They must have had different versions with the red cover, because my red cover doesn't have the John Lennon or Bellamy Brothers songs.


Hmmmm...weird! :S
