Did anybody else think this was a LITTLE inappropriate?
Maybe I'm a little overly prudent, but a bunch of fully developed teenage girls doing jumping jacks in bathing suits in front of a male counselor? Something just doesn't seem quite right about that and I would have felt a little uncomfortable if I was one of those girls OR the male counselor for that matter. Especially when one of the girls made the comment, "Mr. Callahan, doesn't Ferris have great legs?" If nothing else, that right then and there should have been a sign to him that it would probably be a good idea for him to get a female counselor to lead this activity or at least be present for it. I'd also like to know why he didn't think twice about allowing 15 year old Ferris all alone into his cabin late at night with no one else there. The appearances alone of that left alot of assumptions and accusations to be made and things said that shouldn't be, things that could have gotten him not only fired but arrested. I would think for that reason alone the camp would have had rules against that type of fraternization. The rumors that insued by her lying to her friends were harmful enough, but it could have been worse. What if after rejecting her, she got mad and decided to get even with him by saying he tried to rape her? It really shouldn't have surprised him that his lack of judgment caused him trouble. The minute that girl showed up, he should have told her to go right back to her cabin, not let her inside. CYA GUYS! NEVER allow yourself to be alone in a private setting with an underage girl you don't know well. It's a recipe for potential disaster.