MovieChat Forums > The Jazz Singer (1980) Discussion > 10 things I learned from watching this m...

10 things I learned from watching this movie

1. It's okay for a white person to be in blackface when singing at an all-black club, even in the early 1980's

2. It's time for Jess to get out in the world and "find himself" when he's married and in his 30's.

3. Jewish cantor's are poor because God is poor!

4. Jess has a projected hit single in just a couple of weeks after he arrives in California

5. Jess is already performing an opening act for a famous group

6. Jess' wife divorces him because he's "answered to his calling in life".

7. Cantor Rabanovich "hef no son" because he's living in adultery.

8. Jess hits the road for a year hitchiking, growing a beard, smoking, and performing in honkytonks because of a dispute he and his girlfriend had

9. Jess returns to his girlfriend and makes up because they had a baby. In addition his father no longer disowns him because he now has a grandson.

10. After only a year in the music industry, Jess is now a major superstar


I got this on Video on Demand over the weekend and every one of your points went through my mind. You are right on!


11. Jews do not eat ham...even if their new girlfriend made it special for Sunday dinner.

12. You cannot play 'Hello Again' too many times during a 2 hour movie.

13. A shawl over the head with a quick candlelit ceremony is enough to convert to Judaism.


14. Ditching your wife is okay as long as it helps your career.

15. A women will accept you with open arms after ditching her and leaving her
alone with her pregnancy and child birth.


16. A two month long relationship is a healthy enough window to open up the possibilities of having a child.


17. A person has the uncanny ability to find Neil Diamond's character in the middle of nowhere with no clues as to where he may be.


18. Bubba can give Keith Lennox a tape of a song which hasn't fully been written yet.

19. Travelling comics can afford to employ 45-piece orchestras for their two-song opening act.

20. Always settle for the pizza.


21. It's time for a little marital fun and games when "papa's asleeeeeeeeeeep".


22. Bubba wants some "boom boom boom"!

23. Agents can't hire anyone based on a tape!, gotta seem 'em live in front of an audience (for about 60 seconds).

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


Jews do not eat ham...even if their new girlfriend made it special for Sunday dinner.

Actually, pork and shellfish are kosher for American Jews -- as long as they're in Chinese food!

All the universe . . . or nothingness. Which shall it be, Passworthy? Which shall it be?


"Jews do not eat ham...even if their new girlfriend made it special for Sunday dinner."

Actually if the new girlfriend knew anything about him, which she did, she should have known better than to make it for him in the first place.

Still I found that scene funny :P.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


There are many classifications of Jewish people. Hasidic would never go near a pig whereas Reformed may not only go near it but eat it. Two months being long enough to have a child? What about all the babies who come out of 1-night stands? or from rape? That isn't what happened here but to make a point. I have met couples married for 40+ years who married after knowing each other less than a week. If it is forbidden in Leviticus then it is forbidden no matter how it is prepared. I am Adventist which is the same thing except we believe in Jesus and follow the food restrictions also. Many people who are ignorant of the restrictions will prepare pork or shellfish or forbidden fish like shark or catfish anyway and say "You can take just a bite can't you?" Many people because they don't come into contact with Jewish or Adventist people don't remember God's command. As far as tracking down Jess Robin in the wilds of who knows where, Ajaye's character said it all,'One musician can find another." Modern version of this is the internet. It isn't hard to find most people today.


^ You learnt all that from The Jazz Singer?


Bahahahaha.....I was cracking up more and more along the way each time I read someone's point that they learned.....but when I read the one by "strangepear" I just lost it!!!!!!!


^ You learnt all that from The Jazz Singer?

It's all there in the extended version with deleted scenes...


"Many people because they don't come into contact with loonies don't remember 'The All-Powerful Magic Daddy in the Sky's command."

I hace fix0red yuor poast for yuo...

I have opinions of my own, but I don't always agree with them - George Bush


Listing events that happened in the movie = things you learned? I don't think you fully grasp the concept.

It should be against the law to use "LOL" unless you really did LOL!


24. A wife's place is with her husband and vice versa. Who knew?

25. Zany Gray's live show and TV program are the only places where Jess will perform.

26. Jess cuts a full album that goes gold after only being in California for a month, but has no plans to tour since Zany Gray's TV special is the only way to go.

27. Bubba and the back-up singers are laying back on the lyrics to make Jess look bad.

28. What happened to the groove?

29. Bubba thinks staying at a motel in LA is paradise. Makes you wonder where he lives in NY?

30. If you are Jewish and not talking to your father, sing Kol Nidre on Yom Kippur and show him a picture of the son you had out of wedlock. That will bring him around!

