Neil Diamond is great

My father knew Neil back in the 60's when Neil's father owned a store in Brooklyn. I have to say this movie is wondeful, I also loved Neil in Saving Silverman. Neil has a big contribution in music, and for me. The movie I would assume is his first acting debut ?


There are coffee tables all across America that are showing a greater range of emotion right now than what Diamond delivered on film. Quite possibly one of the worst movies and performances EVER! And BTW, what did any of this have to do with jazz? There's one jazz reference in the entire movie and I'd be willing to bet most people missed it.



I mean, Neil was basically playing just himself in the movie. It's not like the gave him an Dustin Hoffman-type of part that required a major level of acting. If he was playing a part like that, I would see your point, but if Neil can't play the part of himself, then you tell me: WHO THE HELL IS NEIL DIAMOND?!



Could it possibly be that Diamond's character names his son Charlie Parker?

There. One Neil Diamond fan was smart enough to get it.



I am having a really hard time seeing where the problem is with his acting. I thought he was great when the movie came out in 1980. I just finished watching the Netflix disc I rented and I still think he's great! Where's the beef?


thats pretty harsh. was Neil bad? I don't think so. was he good? i don't think so either. his performance was believable if not lackluster and without energy but certainly no where near "one of the worst ever" as you said. For a maiden performance on film in a major motion picture at the time he did a pretty decent job from someone with possibly no acting experience ever before this.


He totally ruled in the movie, but the "so-called" sex scene was just weird.


I thought the film was rather enjoyable. I guess if you listen too much to the liberals, you adopt their view of things. Kind of like being hit in the head by the liberal media night after night after night.....eventually, their opinion becomes yours.

Most of the people who can't wait to line up to say how bad the film was haven't even seen it.......

Remember When Movies Did Not Have To Be Politically Correct?


it's a classic.

๐ŸŽSeason's greetings!๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŒฒ


