Or "Zombie Stab". I mean, c'mon! You are a damn zombie! You shouldnt have to resort to using weapons. That takes the all aspects of fear out of a horror movie. Kinda like the vampires using guns in the 2nd "From Dusk Til Dawn"
If you are undead, why fight like a human? You have otther things you could do that a human cant do. Eat people!
Noooo. On the contrary. I thought it to be very original and even added an element of creepiness. I mean, they had the ability to THINK and use weapons. They were smart. They used strategy. What's more scary? Zombies shuffling around and moaning for their food, or zombies with burnt and melted faces who run at you with a machete at full speed?
I dont agree. Since they run at you with weapons, they dont need to be zombies. They might as well just crazed maniacs. Normal murderous people dont run after you to eat you. Zombies do.
I think being eaten is far more scary than being stabbed
Yeah but that doesn't have to be necessary. Think of it this way; in the movie, you had soldiers and police and whatnot shooting at the zombies at point blank range and they wouldn't die. Hell in the first scene alone at the airport that was evident and they just kept coming after the police.
Crazed maniacs could easily be put down. Like the Infected in 28 Days Later. They were not zombies but rather infected with a virus that made them all raging homicidal. Now, you add the element of desiring blood along with the inability to die because technically you are already dead, however, maintain the ability to think and fight, then you have yourself a REAL problem.
And as far as what's scarier when it comes to someone demise, its subjective. Maybe you don't want to be eaten but personally I don't want to be stabbed....especially but an ugly looking zombie running at me with a knife or hatchet and he just so happens to be a better fighter than me. lol.
the movie was mostly shot in Spain actually... and yeah, last time I was there I remember hurting my feet when I stepped off the plane and on a pile of old knives. :(
I was talking about where the story is meant to take place. It seems it's supposed to take place in the US, according to Eaten Alive!: Italian Cannibal and Zombie Movies. http://www.amazon.com/Eaten-Alive-Italian-Cannibal-Zombie/dp/085965379 X/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1315797664&sr=8-13
The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf