MovieChat Forums > Incubo sulla città contaminata (1983) Discussion > Did this movie inspired '28 Days Later'....

Did this movie inspired '28 Days Later'....?

The same concept about fast moving zombie-like mutant creatures infecting people and causing death and destuction?

"Questions, Questions, too many questions, you want a shard, Here!'- Aughra, The Dark Crystal.


That's exactly what I thought when I saw Nightmare City … too many coincidences, if you ask me!


Richard Matheson's book I AM LEGEND inspired NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and it's sequel DAWN OF THE DEAD (1979). They in turn inspired NIGHTMARE CITY and 28 DAYS LATER. I AM LEGEND featured blood-craving undead that could run.



There's also a bit of The Day Of The Triffids influencing 28 Days Later, too.




There was also of course the Vincent Price flick LAST MAN ON EARTH - the first official screen version of I AM LEGEND.


28 Days Later was a huge rip-off fest, mainly of Day of the Triffids and Day of the Dead.

Really? Worst film you ever saw? Well, my next one will be better. Hello? Hello?


"The same concept about fast moving zombie-like mutant creatures infecting people and causing death and destruction? "--Johnlindsey289

Good call! And except for the makeup effects, "Nightmare City" had a much more engaging story.

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I was thinking same thing. But then again, George Romero's The Crazies from 1973 could have inspired Nightmare City itself.


The Crazies did it first.
