Still my favorite Lenzi..

This movie scared the shït out of me when I first watched it at age 8 or 9. I picked it up on dvd some years ago, and I still enjoy it a lot. I still think it has a very creepy atmosphere, especially the beginning. Sure I can se the fun parts now too, but I put in my top-5 zombie flicks of all time.


This is also one of my favorite "zombie" movies, even though it's actually a vampire movie.

In fact, I think everything about it is great except for the ending. :)

This Halloween, it will be the 25th anniversary of when I first saw Nightmare City under the title City Of The Walking Dead on Continental Video VHS. I wanted a zombie movie for Halloween that year and hadn't seen City Of The Walking Dead yet, having eyed it on the shelf for a while. And, as I said, while it's technically not a zombie movie, I still loved it.

It's my favorite Lenzi movie, too. Although, to be honest, the only other Lenzi movie I liked was Eaten Alive. And that movie's gore sequences are like 75% stock footage lifted from other movies. However, I hadn't seen any of the other movies before I saw Eaten Alive under the title The Emerald Jungle, also on Continental Video. So, my like for the movie has diminished somewhat since I learned Lenzi swiped a lot of the gags whole cloth from other films he didn't make.
