Tcham - tcham - tcham - tcham, tchamtchamtchamtcham
OMG, that music score always haunted me!!!! I agree, the movies are extremely low quality according to today's standards, but they seemed pretty good back when I was a child. And the reason they scared so many people (especially children) is because they portray a scenario that many believe will come true. However, I don't think I would've been so scared of these movies as a child if it weren't for that blasted score!!! Also the haunting drum beat and disonant piano chords of the song featured in the opening of "A Thief In The Night".... oooohh, always sent shivers down my spine. That song is called "I Wish We'd All Been Ready". Whatever flaws these films have, I have to say that at least they did a good job with the score. It did what it was supposed to, which is haunting the viewer! BTW, I own all films and watch them on occasion, and they don't scare me anymore, thou I do still find the score to be somewhat eerie. :-)