
There was a great song playing in a scene which cuts between a pretty girl who is wearing headphones and an aquarium. She is relaxing, toking, and gets her throat slashed. The relaxing quality of the song fits well with someone toking, the fish, and effectively juxtaposes the slashing. I love the song. anyone know anything about it, i.e., title, artist, how to get a recording? the line I remember is something like, "It's the night again, it's alright again."


"It's the Night Again," by Vini Canali.

It looks like it will take a considerable amount of luck to find that song, because my understanding is that it's very hard to get.


I was going to start a post on this song but then found you already had done it. I was wondering about it too. I have never heard it on the radio. Just like "Fool for a blonde"in Texas Chain Saw. How come radio stations never play these songs? I did however hear the regae song "Just another girl" from High Tension late one night.


It was never released. It was written especially for the film by the composers. I liked the song so much that I worked out the chords to play it!
