MovieChat Forums > He Knows You're Alone (1980) Discussion > Would anyone like to have seen Tom Hanks...

Would anyone like to have seen Tom Hanks character slashed?

Did anyone find his character just obnoxious? He just doesn't seem to be the nice guy he's played in other films[or like he's reputed to be in real life]. When he first meets his girl jogging he trips her and never apologizes but she does. At the carnival he says things like "Give me a goober" without saying please or thank you. When he gets something at the stand, which i heard in the commentary was improvised,i heard the lady with the register reply "Thank you sir", but i heard no such politeness from Hanks. In the commentary they said this character was suppossed to be killed but they liked him too much! I also heard them say there was more footage of him at the wedding at the end. I would have liked to see him show emotion as he mourns his new girlfriend's demise.He could have shown some actingchops there! They say in the commentary how Hanks hugged the writer or director shortly before the commentary but i recall on LETTERMAN in 1986 him badmouthing this film!



Your right! the Tom hanks character wasn't anything memorable. The Don Scardino character was more freindly and charismatic, But you dont here the commentaters talking much about him beacuse he didnt beacome a big star! its also funny to see the CD box on the back there is a picture of Hanks and he was only in the film for 10 min!


Oh I agree. Scardino had a MUCH better presence! &


AWESOME! so you didn't put *Spoilers* anywhere.....yet now i know that tom hanks doesn't die!



Is that going to ruin your life now??



The character was bloated. I don't remember him in the wedding shots... Honestly, I never paid attention to him tripping his girlfriend, and the other scenes you mentioned. He was only in a few shots.


as soon as i saw tom hanks in the credits i started too laugh. i said to myself i hope he either gets it or is the killer because that would make any of his other movies so great just to rememeber he got killed in a bad slasher.
