MovieChat Forums > Friday the 13th (1980) Discussion > My Friday the 13th story -Fan Fic

My Friday the 13th story -Fan Fic

Friday the 13th: The Revenge

Location close to Minersville & the Camp Packanack edge of Crystal Lake, Wessex County, New Jersey. 1984. After Chris Higgins is chased in the woods, and before Part 2.

Chapter 1

Opening: early dawn, the sun is only just peeking, yet to penetrate the thick of the forest. The cold of the night is slowly leaving with the rising fog from the boggy, moss covered ground. The camera (at a high angle) slowly moves above the forest, and picks up on the movement of two shadowy figures travelling between the trees. Following their movement the figures are revealed to be a man who appears to be in his early 40s, somewhat grizzled looking, short bearded, a crossbow in hand, quietly moving forward through the undergrowth, he takes a crossbow bolt from the quiver on his back, his eyes intensely staring at a focal point through the branches and leaves. Following closely is a younger man in his late teens almost crouching, wearing full camouflage attire, a rifle at his side, a cloth bag strapped over his shoulder, and a machete that’s way too sharp, and way too big for him. They halt in unison, get down to a crawling position, both still glaring ahead as they quietly edge themselves forward to a resting position, both weapons held out, and eyes piercing the scopes like threads through a needle.

The young man takes his eyes off his objective for a second, and quietly speaks, “Why do you always bring that old thing out with us?” nodding at the crossbow. The man pauses, takes his eye off the scope for a second, “Vietnam….since Vietnam….. I just don’t use guns any more”.
The kid responds, “I bet you saw some crazy shit, special forces, right?”.
Man still staring down the length of the bolt, “uh huh”.
Kid “Yeh, Dad told me a few things. But he said you don’t like to talk about it much”.
Man “yup”.
Kid “He did say you were a pretty good shot, so why not use a gun?”
Man, giving him a side eye and looking down the flight groove at the same time, “They taught me how to kill in a thousand different ways, so I don’t need a gun now”.
Kid “That’s so cool”.
Man “It’s not as cool as it sounds”.

The man gestures forward, ahead in an opening of the forest a large deer is munching from the ground, between 40 & 50 yards away. It shifts into a clearer view for the two hunters, and the kid readies himself for the shot.


Behind them is a loud crack, as if a branch had snapped and fallen. The deer looks up startled, and the kid fires off the gun. The bullet hits the grass, splashing mud. As the missed shot echoes through the woods, the deer’s back legs tense to spring away for an escape. A bolt shoots out from the bushes where the hunters are laying, it flies through the air covering the distance in a fraction of a second and bangs through the deer's chest, where it drops on the spot.

The man looks up at his kill, the kid hoots “What a shot!”, pumping his fist in the air. The man rises to his feet, glances behind for a second, checking where the noise came from, then moves forward to take a closer look at his dinner for the next month. The kid jumps up, looks behind, and grumbles “I would have had that if it wasn’t for that noise, what was that?”. “Dunno”, says the man as he moves through the branches, into the opening and out of earshot.

He walks closer to the dead animal, laid as still as anything that’s just been shot through the heart. The bolt is stuck deep, thick blood oozing from the puncture. He stands over it for a second, fixated on the steam rising from the still, warm corpse, then attempts to pull the bolt from its chest. With what looks like a great amount of exertion, he grabs, pulls, and the bolt slowly eases its way out with an audible slurp. It pops out, and he stumbles back a couple of steps.

“ki ki ki, ma ma ma"


“ki ki ki, ma ma ma"

Gaining his composure for a second, he looks up for the kid. He hears distress, and sees something. Stepping forward to make certain, his eyes are open wide. Between the branches, and bushes there is a gap in the foliage, the kid is up against a large tree, struggling, and shouting inaudibles. Up off his feet, legs kicking, neck held with one hand by a large “Thing”, shaped like a man. In these split seconds, the Hunter glimpses the Thing's face, half covered in shadow, clearly grotesque, and clearly a man. The Thing turns his head, while still choke holding the kid against the tree. It locks eyes with the Hunter for a second, fully aware that he's spectating, almost taunting him.

Without thinking, the Hunter starts loading the bloody bolt into his crossbow. The Thing's free arm moves, pulls the kid's machete from his belt, holds it to his throat, and it glistens in the morning light. The beast absorbs kicks to the gut, not moving an inch, even though the kid is pushing, pulling and punching with all his strength. It turns his head again to catch eyes with the Hunter who now has the bolt loaded, mounts the crossbow to his shoulder, and shouts “Get the fuck away from him, or I’ll shoot you in the fuckin’ head”.

The Beast turns back to the kid, looking straight into his face, and pauses, savouring the moment. The forest is silent, the seconds last for hours, the blade slides sideways across the kid's throat, and thick blood starts spraying everywhere. The Hunter screams, “NooOO!”. The Beast casually drops the dead kid, and his body crumples in a pile at the foot of the tree. The Hunter immediately fires the crossbow, and the bolt whistles on its way to the target. (Camera view on top of the bolt)


Within the split seconds of the finger pulling the trigger, the cable leaving the latch, and the bolt accelerating though in the air, the monstrous murderer’s deformed head dodges back just enough to escape the deserved punishment. Half an inch to the side, the bolt whacks into the tree with a thud, and the Monster quickly turns to look at the Hunter for a third time, almost as if it was startled. (Camera behind the Thing) He watches the Hunter take off from the spot, drop the crossbow and gain speed to a sprint, while reaching down to retrieve a serrated knife strapped to his leg. Dashing over the forest opening, he nears the leafy edge, and dives through knife first. On the other side, holding the knife in a reverse grip, and a combat ready stance, he frantically looks around for the Thing that just slaughtered his nephew.

The Hunter cautiously moves around the blood soaked area, checking all the angles. It looks like the Killer fled the scene, no sign, vanished. Satisfied that the murderer has gone, the Hunter checks on the kid. He knows he’s dead, how could he survive with his neck gaping open, and all the blood in his body painting the forest. He grabs, pulls him up, mumbles a few words while holding his head with both hands, then lifts him up to carry with both hands. Aware that the gun, machete, and kid's kill bag are all gone, he takes one more look around, then starts walking in the direction they both came from.

As we see the Hunter walking away, a shadowy figure is hiding within the vegetation, watching silently, as the camera focuses close up on his beady eyes. “ki ki ki, ma ma ma". The screen goes black, Harry Manfredini’s theme music kicks in, title - Friday the 13th. Wooshing through and exploding in the usual Friday the 13th fashion, “The Revenge”.


No one is actually reading all of this.


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