MovieChat Forums > Friday the 13th (1980) Discussion > Annie more potential than Alice?

Annie more potential than Alice?

Did anyone feel when watching this film that the character of Annie had more potential as the final girl than Alice did? Although we only saw her on screen for a short time I found Annie a bit more interesting. She seemed to have a bit more about her than the Alice character and was perhaps a bit more feisty. There was something about her that seemed more likeable to me than Alice who seemed a bit vacant and listless much of the time. Also it seemed like Annie was a caring person (not to say that Alice wasn't) when she was talking about how she doesn't like children being called kids and she seemed like she wanted to be there (at the camp) more than Alice who appeared to be on the verge of leaving early on. I got the impression perhaps there was supposed to be some sort of past relationship between Steve and Alice from their early interaction with the drawings but it was never fleshed out or explored further. Anyway to cut short my ramblings I just found Annie to be a more likeable character, someone you could root for more so than you could for Alice. Does anyone agree?

Sorry if this has been discussed a lot in the past though I couldn't find any threads about it.


I did not find any of the characters(aside, perhaps, from Mrs. Voorhees) to be particularly well written or given much depth - that is not one these film's strengths. With Annie it is a classic case of misdirection in order to fool the audience and catch us off guard. So yes, we do have a sort of attachment to her because she is initially built up to be a reliable protagonist before she is unceremoniously dispatched. The film uses her well, and not just as misdirection but as a way of framing the story because of her interactions with the locals. This aspect is one of the things the film does very well, even though the filmmakers were using the idea from Psycho, with how that film uses the Janet Leigh character, although to a much lesser extent than the Hitchcock film.

Are u da bomb?(what?)Are u da bomb?(EXCUSE ME?)Are U Da Bomb?(Oh Yeah)Then blow up girl(BLOWUPGIRL)


Yes I see what you mean I guess as her early demise does catch people new to the film off guard and lets us know that no one is safe.


Annie, in fact, might well have been the Final Girl for a least after the first two. It's implied that not only was Alice sleeping with Mr. Christy, but cheating on a boyfriend doing it. And in Part Two, Ginny is most likely sexually active with her boyfriend. You didn't see a Final Girl who was a virgin untill Part Three.


Annie was MF great! but I guess Alice was more of the "good" girl virgin type..


Yeah. I myself liked Annie a bit more too and always wished she had survived longer and gotten to the camp. It just reminds me though of how things have changed in 41 years. Now a days the person in charge of the camp would've had one of their employees give her a ride to the camp. She also wouldn't have asked for a ride from someone she didn't know. I guess stranger danger wasn't taught in schools in the 60s and 70s.


As someone who just saw Friday the 13th for the first time, those were my exact thoughts
