
I am usually the type to not belive in a remake, unless it's a very good updated version, or same plot diffrent setting (like imitation of life) But as I was watching this movie I realized that I wouldn't mind if it was remade. Everything was great but I think a lot of the dialogue and fight scenes were unrealistic. Of course they'd probably stick someone like lindsay lohan or michelle tranchentberg in it, but I think if someone really cared for the film they'd make a great remake. yay or nay?


it was remade...just more explicitly

and it was called.....13


pft 13 was nothing like this movie foxes is a very good movie that shouldn't be remade.

"We're sorta like 7-Eleven. We're not always doing business, but we're always open".


i agree Ms Orton... lol
thats the problem ... too many remakes,, bad ones too... i still loathe the rumor "The Warriors" remake * shudder* nobody can remake those roles,and shouldnt try..


what a remake of the worriors i haven't heard that one nooooooooooooooooooo
im already grossed out that they are doing halloween porkys and scarface.

"We're sorta like 7-Eleven. We're not always doing business, but we're always open".


wella s far as the Halloween remake... Rob Zombie is directing it...i trust his vision in horror films... thats about the only one id be willing to see...


well I did like devils rejects so I can give halloween a chance, but scarface worriers or porkys are just not cool

"We're sorta like 7-Eleven. We're not always doing business, but we're always open".


I think a remake of the warriors could be fun to see but it's very unnecessary as the warriors still holds up. It was so ahead of it's time that it's not yet behind (imo).

Voting History:


Nay. There are already enough bad remakes, we don't need another one.


There are a lot of bad productions of Twelfth Night, do people ever say not to do any more Shakespeare?
