Back in the day........
Back in the day when it was in the theaters, it was considered too adult for anyone under the age of 18 so I didn't get to see it then. This movie always stuck out in my memories over the years. Out of some random thought, I looked on amazon and bought the dvd; I dont understand what the big deal was. It was a sort of comming of age movie to me; like several others I remember seeing. A lot of the movie seems to have been filmed around Pamona california. Its a real treat to see some of the old buildings and stores in the movie that don't exist anymore. I remember some of the old stores as such. I still can't determine if the graveyeard at the end of the movie is in san bernardino or riverside. To me, It was a nastalgic movie that is a treat to have. Meager story line with modest acting. Thank you Jodi Foster and company for the memories of a place that only exists in my memories now.