MovieChat Forums > Foxes (1980) Discussion > I LOVE THIS MOVIE!


It always reminds me of what it was like to be young, wild, and free in Southern California.

We'll see who's the filthiest person alive! We'll just see!


I love it too! I love that whole time period--78,79,80,81. I was just a little kid but my sisters were around the Foxes girls' ages and they were wild too! Funny how we still managed to have fun back then WITHOUT cell phones, the internet, and the only video games we had were in the arcade or the Atari!I love the 'documentary' type feel of the movie. Kind of a precursor to reality television.

Professional Jayne Mansfield fanatic/lover™ since 1980.


Remember feathered hair, silk jackets, and roller disco? Boston, Journey, and Blondie? I think times were just as fun then WITHOUT stuff like the internet and Nintendos. You actually had to get out of the house and find more creative ways to have fun. I guess that created more opportunities for trouble too! I know I got into my fair share of it!

We'll see who's the filthiest person alive! We'll just see!


And rat tails and feathered roach clips! Heehee! I got into my fais share too hon, God knows I did! Didn't stop really until last year! But hey, life is short and the party goes on....

Professional Jayne Mansfield fanatic/lover™ since 1980.


LOL! I like your style!

We'll see who's the filthiest person alive! We'll just see!


One thing I remember was that you had to actually wait for things (unlike the "instant society" that we're living in today). And that waiting made you appreciate it all the more when it finally came (a movie, a particular tv program, a new record, etc) which made everything a much bigger deal back then. People are so much more jaded now due to instant gratification. You also had to be more creative back then in coming up with ways to occupy one's time and you were compelled to socialize more.


Hey, those magnetic spin-wheels suited us just fine, lol!
Yeah, the later 70's and early 80's released a ton of great movies.
They didn't have to depend on overdone FX or monster-sized budgets to make them great. The acting, writing, directing was considered much more important and that's why they are miles ahead of the crap we see in theaters these days.

"You can't kill the Boogeyman!"
- Tommy Doyle
