There is no real secret about the destiny of petroleum oil
The worldwide supply of petroleum is finite. Yeah, we all know that.
Petroleum does get created over millions of years but that does us no good.
What's my point?
Every one needs petroleum and we're all going to pay for even it means emptying our bank accounts. Everyone and I mean everyone with the power and the means has their hands in the petroleum industry, not just OPEC, western nations who own shares in petroleum and the taxes it brings, corporations in the petroleum refinement and products business, and that includes stockholders, you and me, who have any amount of stock shares in petroleum.
What person in their right mind is going to see the value of petroleum and their stock values go to sh*t because viable, cheaper alternatives of fuel and power are found?
Yes, yes, yes, there is a future in synthetic fuel as this movie points out, but not now. Not until the supply of natural crude runs low. Then the powers that be that currently control petroleum crude will also control synthetic fuels. That includes everyone in the biz, get my drift? There's a time and place for everything. So while there's trillions of dollars to be made in the petroleum crude and refinement industry worldwide, don't expect to see alternative fuels until those trillions have been wrung out of everyone including you and me and then the supply of crude oil runs low in the planet. Then we'll see these alternative fuels. It's no big conspiracy secret. It's there for everyone to see. You don't have to be rocket scientist.