"Size doesn't matter" makes no sense
Yoda mentions to Luke how size does not matter, then proceeds to ask an irritating question about Luke possibly judging Yoda by his size.
Now, there's a LOT to unpack here, but let's start with how a spiritual Zen-master, powerful 'with the Force' (as they always put it), identifies his whole self with ONLY the physical size, and does not consider seeing himself as 'spiritual size', 'psychological size', 'internal size', 'size of influence' and so on and so forth. No, 'illuminate beings are we, not this crude matter', and yet Yoda FULLY identifies his size by ONLY the crude matter!
He should ABSOLUTELY have said 'judge me by my PHYSICAL size, do you?' instead of just 'my size', because SURELY he if anyone should know that the size of his physical body is not "HIS SIZE", only the inhabited temporary vehicle's size. You wouldn't call your car's size 'your size', now would you?
In any case, Yoda also doesn't quite seem to understand the implications of his claims. Size doesn't matter? Maybe 'Universally speaking', but to any 'The Force(tm)' user, it defi-friggin'-nitely matters!
Why? Well, what's the largest size you can imagine? Can you properly and completely understand the size of a galaxy? How about a cluster of galaxies? Supercluster? It gets even way bigger than that. There's a LIMIT to how big sizes, amounts, etc. a human mind can feasibly comprehend. This means, it matters.
Could Yoda create a parallel Universe that's the same size as the physical side of this (or their) Universe, because 'size does not matter'? The energy has to come from somewhere, and the bigger the object, the more energy required, the more mind power required, and essentially, the more 'imagination' required, because although we can clearly understand the size of an X-Wing or even 'Death Star', how the heck do we even wrap our mind around something, whose size is measured in Astronomical Units?
I have trouble even fully understanding how big the star in the center of the solar system where Terra is located, is. You can draw all the diagrams in the world, refer to numbers, create 3D models and use 'space software' and zoom around all you want - but when you look out your window and try to envision the ACTUAL SIZE of the sun, as if it was 'right there' instead of so far away, can you honestly truly understand how enormous it is?
We're speaking about one of the smaller stars in the Universe, there are ridiculously huge things that my mind simply can't fathom. At some point it just becomes ABSTRACT.
Yet, to use The Force effectively at those sizes, your mind must be able to grasp, understand, envision and accurately know EXACTLY how big something is.
Size matters (yeah, yeah.. that's what she said and all that), why doesn't Yoda know this?
Size is not just 'a midget and an X-Wing'. Size encompasses galactic superclusters and then clusters of superclusters (I can't remember the names of all those cosmic wonders). I bet Yoda and Luke wouldn't even fully be able to know the size of some 'relatively small nebula'.
These movies have all these wild, fantastical claims, but NONE of it is shown even to a tiny fraction. Let's list some:
'Size does not matter' (Yes, it does.)
'The ability to explode a planet is insignifigant compared to what can be done with 'The Force(tm)' (Movies don't show 'The Force(tm)' users doing ANYTHING even remotely as massive.)
'I will become more powerful than you can imagine' (Vader can't imagine someone becoming a force ghost and sometimes talking to Luke a little bit?)
'I am full of surprises' (Is it surprising that a swordfight-newbie has a terrible form and absolutely bad balance and telegraphs his every strike?)
These claims make no sense. If Yoda were to create a galaxy supercluster out of thin air, if Vader were to create a solar system, if Kenobi were to perform some kind of amazing miracles.. then these claims would be justified and validated.
As it is now, these claims make no sense, as NONE of it is shown in the movies. A shame, as it would've been amazing to be SHOWN, not just TOLD about these kind of fantastic things.