As a kid I kind of disliked this movie ...

I thought it was good and pretty entertaining, better than Jedi, but both it and Jedi were big steps down from and less enjoyable than the first film. I thought it was a little too dark ... it felt like the whole movie was either Luke failing or the good guys otherwise either getting defeated or just barely escaping.

As an adult I still think ANH is better but not by much. That it is so dark, almost unrelentingly, is impressive but still somewhat unpleasant and even somewhat forced.


This film doesn't have quite as much pacing as A New Hope and Return of the Jedi in a lot of ways, but maybe that's why it's the most popular of the three.

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I don't get the "unrelentingly dark tone" that some people say about Empire. Yes, it's easily the darkest of the original trilogy but there's still some humor throughout, particuarly the scenes with Han, Leia, Chewie, and C-3P0 on the millennium falcon.
