I could tell you who the elephant man really is if you wanna know
Listen to the dialogue. Closely. Figure it out. Its not that hard. Listen. Watch. Not too hard though or you'll go insane. Just pay attention to the words. You'll figure it out. Think like a movie. Think yin yang. Think of the subject matter and watch for clues. It aint that hard trust me. Its a whole different experience. Brilliant...maybe. Subtextual...for sure. Its like awakening for the first time to the true nature of movies where most things are open to interpretation,,,but some things are exactly what the director intended. And to this...like other movies...theres only one real answer. Find it. Do it for yourself. Treat yourself to something worthy of investigating...just relax and listen word for word. Clue for clue and use a little imagination...a little yin yang. A little movie logic. Remember kubrick knows all. sees all. influenced all. That is all. Get the joke already.