35 Years of David Lynch

"The Score" is dedicating their website to David Lynch's body of work over the next four months, watching and reviewing all his films and TV shows in chronological order.

It also has a poll where you can vote on your favorite Lynch film and a comments section where we can join in the analysis. It looks intriguing, so I am gearing up for the first article by watching Eraserhead this week and The Elephant Man next week.

Who wants to join me?

Here's a link to the site:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2010/11/35-years-of-david -lynch.html

They also just released their first article in the series on Eraserhead:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2010/11/eraserhead-1976.h tml

The history of the making of Eraserhead is fascinating, as are the video clips. Definitely worth checking out. This Wednesday (Nov. 10, 2010) they are releasing an article on The Elephant Man.

A Friend of Film


The Score just posted its article on Eraserhead. It's pretty cool. Worth a read:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2010/11/eraserhead-1976.h tml

They are preparing their article on The Elephant Man know, which should be very interesting. Re-watch the movie with me this week and let's discuss this film with the level of analysis it truly deserves.

A Friend of Film


The next article in the series has been released. It deals with the production of Lynch's most commercially successful film, The Elephant Man. Very informative. Take a look.

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2010/11/elephant-man-1980 -1010.html


Here's the link for the article on Dune. It's my favorite article so far. Very informative and filled with beautiful images and videos. Definitely worth reading.

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2010/11/dune-1984-1010.ht ml

I particularly enjoyed the audio interview of Frank Herbert and David Lynch at the end. The story behind Dune's production is more interesting than I originally thought.

A Fan of Film


The article on Wild at Heart is available now:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2010/12/wild-at-heart-199 0.html

A Fan of Film


The first Twin Peaks article is up now and it looks fantastic. The photos are amazing and analysis is not half bad either.

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2010/12/twin-peaks-0-pilo t-1990.html

A Fan of Film


The second article on the Twin Peaks Pilot. Great series so far.

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2010/12/twin-peaks-0-pilo t-part-ii-1990.html


The review of the next episode of Twin Peaks is available.

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2010/12/twin-peaks-1-secr et-boyfriend-1990.html


The Red Room Analysis!

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2010/12/twin-peaks-2-red- room-1990.html


The TWIN PEAKS Second Season Two-Part Premiere Episode's analysis is now available:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/01/twin-peaks-8-seas on-2-premiere-part-i.html


Thanks for this stuff--it's really interesting!!!

I have not failed, I've found 10,000 ways that won't work.


You're welcome and you're right about how interesting this series is to read. I highly recommend it.

This week they finish analyzing David Lynch's other two-part episode, the Season 2 Premiere (his first two-parter being the pilot). It is amazing to see how far we have come along in Twin Peaks!

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/01/twin-peaks-8-seas on-2-premiere-part-ii.html


The article for Twin Peaks Episode 9 is ready!

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/01/twin-peaks-9-meal s-on-wheels-1990.html


The article for Twin Peaks Episode 14 is ready. Laura Palmer's killer is revealed in this powerful episode from the inimitable David Lynch. This series is a true masterpiece in every sense.

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/01/twin-peaks-14-lau ras-killer-1990.html


The Article for the Twin Peaks Series Finale (Episode 29) is now available. Twin Peaks is such an amazing viewing experience. It is great to find other people who agree and can provide an interesting slant on the show's story.

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/02/twin-peaks-29-ser ies-finale-1991.html


The article for Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me is available.

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/02/twin-peaks-fire-w alk-with-me-1992.html

There is a new petition being started on facebook to support the release of restored deleted scenes from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. Apparently there are close to two hours of deleted scenes revolving around Ed and Norma, Lucy and Andy, Sheriff Truman, Josie, Hawk, Pete Martell, and just about everyone else from the series.

I am excited for these scenes, but apparently it is expensive to restore them and the film rights holder MK II is not sure if it is worth their money to do so up to David Lynch's specifications. If you want to show your support their investment, then click "Like" on the petition's Facebook page:

http://www.facebook.com/pages/Twin-Peaks-Fire-Walk-with-Me-Deleted-Sce nes-Petition/182974088404129


The article on David Lynch's difficult-to-find TV shows "On the Air" and "Hotel Room" has just been released. Enjoy!

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/02/on-air-1992-hotel -room-1993.html


The article on Lost Highway was just released and it looks pretty cool. We are starting to get near the end of the series and I'm having a lot of fun watching Lynch's films again! Some of my friends have gained a new interest in them and are watching with me, some for the first time.

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/02/lost-highway-1997 .html


The article for David Lynch's The Straight Story (1999) is now available. You can find it at this url:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/03/straight-story-19 99.html



The article for David Lynch's masterpiece Mulholland Dr. has just been posted. This is really one of my all-time favorite movies! You can find it here:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/03/mulholland-dr-200 1.html


Whoa... Only two more articles scheduled after this one for Inland Empire (2006). I love the Buffy the Vampire Slayer video clip at the end of the article. It really feels like the cast is singing about Inland Empire!

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/03/inland-empire-200 6.html


The article discussing David Lynch's short films, web projects, and commercials is available:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/03/short-films-web-p rojects-and.html

And do not miss the David Lynch directed Duran Duran live webcast being broadcast in half an hour. It's going to be epic!



We proudly present the final article in the "35 Years of David Lynch" series:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/03/concluding-remark s.html

The author said on his Facebook page that he is planning on overhauling the site over the next week to improve each of the articles. He apologized for the rough form in which he had to release most of the articles in order to meet his weekly deadline.

Also, the "Movies We Recommend" web store is now up and it has a great selection of interesting and entertaining films. We highly recommend checking it out.


A few more articles have been released on the 35 Years of David Lynch Blog since I last posted an update here.

THE DAVIDS: MASTERS OF CEREBRAL HORROR - A comparative analysis of the films of filmmakers David Cronenber and David Lynch, along with suggestions for 10 double feature presentations that combine their films together. Link below:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/05/davids-of-cerebra l-horror.html

CLUB SILENCIO - David Lynch is creating a new entertainment complex in Paris patterned after the club of the same name in his masterpiece Mulholland Dr. (2001). Link below:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/06/club-silencio.htm l

THE TWIN PEAKS PODCAST - 35 Years of David Lynch Author visits The Twin Peaks Podcast to discuss the David Lynch directed Season 2 Episode "Coma" (iTunes) or "Meals on Wheels" (Blog's Preferred Title). Link below:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/07/twin-peaks-podcas t.html

Also, Mark Frost recently commented on Twitter that the deleted scenes to Fire Walk with Me might appear on the upcoming Region A (U.S.) Blu-Ray release of the film: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=226894107345460&set=a.22689 0690679135.64141.182974088404129&type=1&theater. Sign the Facebook Petition to show the rights holders our commitment to see that footage. Link below:



TWIN PEAKS: THE VIDEO GAME? - DEADLY PREMONITION (2010) - The video game that most closely emulates the Twin Peaks experience. We give you a glimpse at this comedy-horror hybrid that transports us to a small town in Washington State as an FBI Agent pursues a ritualistic serial killer.

With a lot of love for Twin Peaks, XBOX 360 unleashes a bold, powerful, and original vision that envelops players in a bizarre and quirky world of its own.

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/07/twin-peaks-video- game-deadly.html


35 Years of David Lynch just released a trailer:


Also check out their recently created video presentation of their site creator's guest appearance on The Twin Peaks Podcast:




A beautiful clarification about the dwarf, the giant, and the black lodge from Twin Peaks:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/10/twin-peaks-one-an d-same.html


35 Years of David Lynch presents a new holiday movie each day for 31 days, each reflecting a bizarre aspect of David Lynch's style and sensibilities. Looks like a lot of fun: "31 Lynchian Days of Christmas."

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/11/31-lynchian-days- of-christmas.html


A strong article on the merits of watching David Lynch's films at the correct aspect ratio, filled with examples of beautiful shots from his movies that are destroyed when cropped for TV--even when cropped for wider screen HDTV! A beautiful article on film preservation/presentation, too.

Excerpt: "Last year we recommended you avoid using Netflix Instant Watching to view the David Lynch films Dune (1984) and Wild at Heart (1990) once we discovered they were presenting the movies in a different aspect ratio than their original theatrical presentations. We recently found a useful educational video below produced by cable station Turner Classic Movies (TCM). The video features several distinguished filmmakers explaining the importance of getting the technical detail of letterboxing right in our home video presentations. After reading our article and viewing the many examples we collected, you will better understand why every film should be seen as their directors originally intended."

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2011/12/letterbox-vs-pan- scan.html


Excerpt: "The video clip above is from a recent episode of the PBS Series America in Primetime titled The Misfit. Several respected TV creators and showrunners were interviewed and discuss David Lynch's seminal TV program Twin Peaks (1990-91) and its influence on them when it first aired. The segment features David Lynch, James Manos Jr. (The Sopranos / Dexter), Matthew Weiner (Mad Men), Diablo Cody (Juno / United States of Tara), David Chase (The Sopranos), Alan Ball (Six Feet Under / True Blood), and Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad)."

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2012/01/america-in-primet ime-twin-peaks.html


Another great article popped up on 35 Years of David Lynch:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2012/02/twin-peaks-laura- palmer-and-dale-cooper.html

The intro reads:

"To Celebrate the Upcoming 20th Anniversary of Fire Walk with Me's Theatrical Release,Again We Address its Status as One of David Lynch's Most Undervalued Masterpieces."


The author of 35 Years of David Lynch is creating a new article series on another seminal filmmaker of the 20th Century: 44 Years of Stanley Kubrick!

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2012/03/44-years-of-stanl ey-kubrick.html


Dual Spires (2010) Psych's Twin Peaks Homage

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2012/05/dual-spires-2010- psychs-twin-peaks.html

35 Years of David Lynch (Video Tribute)

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2012/06/35-years-of-david -lynch-video-tribute.html


I've got good news! That TV show you like is about to come back in style... Twin Peaks is finally released in glorious 1080p HD via download at the iTunes Store (free upgrade for people who paid for previous 720p version).

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2012/07/twin-peaks-1080p- hd.html


Dr. David Lynch's Movie Prescriptions

"Last month David Lynch received an honorary doctorate from his old alma mater the American Film Institute (AFI) Conservatory. He was honored alongside a fellow recipient, Mel Brooks, who as the producer of The Elephant Man (1980) helped usher David Lynch from relative cinematic obscurity into the Hollywood big leagues. So now that we have an excuse to call the visionary director "Dr. David Lynch," let's take a look at what movies the good doctor prescribes."

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2012/08/dr-david-lynchs-m ovie-prescriptions.html

About the Author

"After writing to you for nearly two years now about the films and career of David Lynch, I feel a better introduction of myself is long overdue. So I am writing this article to provide you with better context for my articles by letting you know more about who I am, where I come from, and hopefully entertain you with some of my other work, including my art."



The Master Countdown

"David Lynch has remarked in interviews that Paul Thomas Anderson is his favorite of the next generation of filmmakers, so this week we will release one still image each day from all of Paul Thomas Anderson's feature films leading up to the release this Friday of his latest film The Master (2012). "

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-master-countd own-5.html

Lynch and Louie

"David Lynch guest starred on last night's episode of the FX comedy Louie (2010-Present). The episode was titled, "Late Show: Part 2." In the episode, the eponymous Louie (played by Louis C.K.) becomes Letterman's replacement as host of the Late Show. Louie's interactions with David Lynch appear to be comedic gold, as revealed in this series of stills courtesy of this recap. "

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2012/09/lynch-and-louie.h tml

35th Anniversary Countdown

"In two weeks we approach the 35th anniversary of David Lynch's Eraserhead (1977) world premiere held in New York City. All my efforts in writing this article series was in support of celebrating this milestone in David Lynch's career, hence the reason for my site's title "35 Years of David Lynch." To celebrate this momentous occasion, each day leading up the anniversary we will release one still image from every film and TV episode directed by David Lynch throughout his career. We will also embed one of our favorite David Lynch interviews or documentaries along with each still."

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2012/09/35th-anniversary- countdown-13.html


35 Years of David Lynch's special video presentation focusing on the recurring motif of the ring throughout David Lynch's films, namely Dune, Wild at Heart, and Fire Walk with Me.

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-ring-symbol.h tml

The creator of "35 Years of David Lynch" edits together his most comprehensive video presentation to date. Listen to his discussion of Halloween, Horror Movies, John Carpenter, Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Astral Projection, Flies in Winter, and a detailed analysis of David Lynch's The Alphabet.

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2012/11/its-strange-world -with-frank-cronogue.html

35 Years of David Lynch offers the future Twin Peaks TV series Blu-Ray producers an alternate slate of episode titles, as well as provides a summary and chronology for each episode within the narrative's timeline.

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2012/11/twin-peaks-days-1 -8.html


After a long hiatus, the re-titling and summarizing of Twin Peaks continues:

http://entertainmentguidefilmtv.blogspot.com/2014/04/twin-peaks-days-2 0-26.html
