Merrick above all had such a beautiful spirit and as it is even now, people go by how a person looks rather than what is inside of their hearts.
In spite of all the unfathomable cruelty and suffering this soul endured, he at least got to end up his last days in the finest of company and with as much comfort and care that could be afforded to him. The scene that riled me up the most, even more than the exploitation by Bytes and the night porter, was that pompous ass doctor who was opposed to Merrick staying in the hospital on a permanent basis. This ignorant, privileged, self-important prick was supposed to be a care giver, and he refused to resign himself to the needs of one of the most unfortunate men the world would have known at that time, even today. He very soon had to swallow his pride and eat humble pie, due to the presence and support of the Princess Of Wales.
Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.