Things I learned watching the Elephant Man.
Seeing a partly naked, half-starved human with gigantic tumors on his head and torso is about all they had to offer for entertainment in Victorian England.
John wins hearts by quoting the Bible. Had he quoted the Quoran, they would have tossed him out on his ear.
Oddly a cloaked figure walking about with a bag on his head doesn't arouse suspicion in old London, home of Jack the Ripper, Burke and Hare, daily female abduction, Sweeney Todd, massive street crime, and people who'd shoot foreigners just for being foreign!
John is quite the elocutionist, if you don't mind putting up with an occasional mid-sentence "SLURRRRRRRP".
In spite of all the upper class attention his popularity gave him, John didn't allow it to give him a swelled head.