I thought I was insane....I vaguely remembered seeing a movie as a kid with Ricky Shroeder, his parents died, he was chased by wild dogs, and he ended up burying an old man under a pile of rocks when he died at the end. I remember that the movie terrified me, and had searched for years and never found it....until today, which is a reassurance that I didn't just imagine the whole thing.
It was a long time ago. I remember the parents dying in front of him, and the dogs chasing him, and thinking he would be fine. Honestly I think having to bury the old guy by himself was pretty traumatizing as well.
ME TOO!!!!! that is exactly my experience, of this film lingering in my mind as a very vague impression that i began to question. i saw it on TV in t he early 80s too
also, other films have done this for me over the years. "lovers of the arctic circle" nearly drove me mad for years until i ran upon an OLD vhs tape where i had inadvertently recorded a trailer to the movie, which pleasantly ended the 'phantom hunt' and opened my eyes to that masterpiece through netflix. (i even went so far as to upload that trailer to youtube just to save it. i'm glad i did, because i think my youtube of it is the only copy in existence in the world now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvSOn6iXP5E
i find something else interesting:
it's interesting to me that the viewers throughout this board focus more on the child in this story, because for me the intriguing thing about the whole movie is the holden character. the mystery of the life he lived in his past, the premise of rising to rich world traveler after coming from orphan beginnings is cool and full of juice, and then the irony of a super wealthy person CHOOSING to go and die alone in the (romantically spun btw) outback.
(with bonus irony of his becoming an orphan in the outback, plus another irony of him returning to die in the place where he begun, and a further irony of schroeder and he following the same route of orphan in the outback)
i could think of ten other ironies here probably lol
but yeah i find the holden character as the core/genesis/engine of the story. but the fact that others identify with the kid more, just makes me curious as to why. i mean, i wonder why more people don't see it the way i do. just wondering that's all.
----- Life is not a problem to be solved. It's a mystery to be lived. Go live it!
For me, I probably identified with the child because I was a child when I saw it. I saw it on regular TV, I was born in 1972, so I guess I was 9 or 10? I was actually surprised when I found this on IMDB and saw that the adult was actually the star and focus of the film. From my memory I assumed the focus was on the boy.
Me too! This movie completely traumatized me as a child. I couldn't remember the title, so for years I was so afraid to accidentally run across it while channel surfing. I'm trying to work up the nerve to watch it again now that I'm an adult. I want to see if it still bothers me.