MovieChat Forums > Don't Go in the House (1980) Discussion > Question about the Shreik Show DVD

Question about the Shreik Show DVD

I was looking to buy the dvd that came out on the Shreik Show label recently,but saw that a customer on said that the new dvd is cut.And that it should be avoided at all costs.Can anyone tell me if this is true and if it's worth buying. I really like this movie.




I'm wary of anything Shriek Show releases - their DVDs tend to be terrible PAL to NTSC conversions.

"Cain and Abel will go to Heaven... if they can make it through Hell!"
-Los Hijos Del Topo


Quit whining you ungrateful nerd. You should be ecstatic that a company such as this is EVEN putting out such "rarities" and "nasties" as Don't Go in the House. I'd take a Shriek Show DVD over a VHS tape any day of the week.


It looked visually high-grade and certainly uncut to me, having just watched the Shriek Show dvd. It didn't look at all like it was transferred from a video source.


I got the "Grindhouse Psychos" triple boxset from Shriek Show, which includes "Cop Killers" and "Tenement" with this movie. VERY pleased with the package. For $18.99, three great, rare exploitation movies. Great deal.


I got that same 3-pack for 6 dollars less from best buy.


Almost all Media Blasters DVDs are 13.73 on Deep Discount... Been like that for quite some time.
