
Possibly not the most popular suggestion, but I think (if done right) a re-make for this film could be great.
Some people may not like the idea but ,in the end, this is a cheap 80's action movie (though its still pretty good) and if remade, with actual military advisement(God knows there enough ex SAS and Navy SEALS out there without work) this could be a top class, hard-core, mercenary film.

Secrets aren't my concern. . . Keeping them is.


It would be more effective to do a movie about Action Direct's operations in Sierra Leone. Still Afrika and still mercenaries but, they are less pirates and more honorable businessmen fighting a just cause against REALLY evil thugs. Rather than rehash a story that most people don't have any knowledge of. Just my thoughts.


Brilliant idea. The novel was always more than a cheap 80s action flick, and a faithful adaptation would be brillaint.

It could be filmed in a documentary style, maybe like Children Of Men. I think that contemporary audiences are more willing to sit through the thriller-ish aspects of the planning phase, knowing that there is an awesome fire fight to look forward to!

No f-----g s--t lady, do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza??



This is one of my fav movies. I really really hope they don't do a remake. It was made in the day before PC. I can just imagine that Shannon is now played by some female and she is kickboxing Kimba's guards and doing it all in a sports bra. Then they would have to bring the CIA into it somehow and make them out to be the bad guys. Please: NO remake!


LOL @ sharonpullman. Sadly, there is probably too much truth in your post.

If a modern remake of The Dogs of War was made, the mercenaries would probably be ex-SpecialOps guys working for a private military contractor rather than Shannon's rather motley crew.

Too bad Executive Outcomes folded.


sharonpullman "Then they would have to bring the CIA into it somehow and make them out to be the bad guys."

The CIA would be the ones who put the corrupt leaders in place to start with...

Why does every good movie that's more than 5 years old have a thread about a "Remake". You know, sometimes they get it right the first time and no remake is needed. Need subject matter for a new movie, come up with something that hasn't been made before.


No remake. The Comoros (and others) killed the whole overthrow-my-third-world-dictatorship mercenary trade. Like the whole series of movies that no longer work after the end of the cold war, this is a product of its time, and would be hard to make today.

Could be a period piece, I guess. But it's fine the way it is.


Reason's why it should be re-made:

The novel it was based on had in-depth analysis of the characters and the motives of the characters. the 1980 movie very lighltly glazed over much of this. So it let the twist at the end of the film seem rather lame.

In contrast to what the numpty shoobe01-1 said about the "overthrow-my-third-world-dictatorship mercenary trade" was a product of the 70's and 80's. Do you not watch the news? Try looking up Simon Mann and his 2004 attempted coup on equitoreal guinea (an extremely wealthy state in terms of natural resources) to gain oil rights. Look at the upcoming southern sudanese secession from the north, i'm sure the south's foreign supporters would benefit from a handsome oil contract. If anything that movie theme of "overthrow-my-third-world-dictatorship mercenary trade" IS a product of it's time. And it's time is TODAY.

Nevertheless I would like a remake to be more heavily influenced by the thriller side of the novel rather than the action part of the novel.


In fairness this isn't a good movie at all. Its badly paced and directed. I feel it needs a remake because the story is interesting and can be done so much better with more care and skill.

Secrets aren't my concern. . . Keeping them is.


@sharonpullman's right. They would PC this thing into something ridiculous and the (now female) Shannon leader would kick a bunch of ass out of "Laura Croft: Tomb Raider".

Plus we'd have to have people flying thorough the air like in "Croutching Tiger: Hidden Dragon" and the bullets would go slow-mo and stop in mid-air, a-la "The Matrix". To top it all off they'd then have it look like a stupid Marvel comic book with flash ADD editing and shaky cam.

Nope, it's better to remake "Sgt. Rock & His Howling Commandos" than to comic book Frederick Forsythe's adult novel for the kiddies.
