Gay or not gay.

I heard that some of the Village People were found "in the village" and some were hired later.

And while they were originally a gay group that not all of them were gay.

I ask because my sister always had a crush on David Hodo and she wonders (when we watched a bit of CSTM) if he is gay and I just don't know what the answer is.

Polls... One of the Main Stream Media's Jedi Mind Tricks.


Some of them were gay--others weren't. I'm almost 100% positive that Hodo was str8.


Victor Willis (Cop and Former A.M.W. fugitive) - Confirmed Straight. Originally though to be the only straight one.

Randy Jones (Cowboy) - Confirmed Gay. Came out after the group retired. He has since appeared several times in the Advocate.

Alex Briley (Sailor) - Confirmed Gay though reportedly kept quiet during the groups peak years.

Felipe Rose (Indian) - Confirmed Gay. Only member to be openly gay during the groups heyday.

Glenn Huges (Biker) - Confirmed Straight!! Died of lung cancer in 2001 and not of Aids as many people assumed.

David Hodo (Construction Worker) - Refused to even address the subject (though sources seem to presume him to be Gay).

Sorry that doesn't solve your sister's dilemma but until Mr. Hodo decides to answer the question, your sister might have to pretend he is straight. I guess..


Not that you need to take the word of an anonymous person on the Internet, but I used to have a friend in Phoenix who said that David "Scar" Hodo used to visit him and was, indeed, gay.

Of course, up until now, I thought the same about Glenn Hughes, so what do I know?

