MovieChat Forums > Can't Stop the Music (1980) Discussion > Was Tammy Grimes channelling/parodying ...

Was Tammy Grimes channelling/parodying Joan Rivers

... in her portrayal of the bitchy, pushy agent? Or is it just my imagination?


Back then, Joan was just a standup comic, not what she later tried to be. I'm not sure I can define what she's become beyond a caricature and absolutely unfunny. No, Tammy Grimes was portraying a type of lady she played occasionally.

Again, Joan hadn't "graduated" to what she is now; she wasn't that big a name then.

I'm watching the movie for the zillionth time right now, and I LOVE it! That's not even a guilty pleasure, as my friends know how much I enjoy this film. Pair it up with "Thank God It's Friday" for extra fun! Hmmm... What would I select for a marathon? I'll have to think about that. Oh! It's obvious: "Xanadu"! Try that for a lineup: "Can't Stop the Music", "Thank God It's Friday" and "Xanadu"! Now, THAT is a fun evening! *giggle*



I have Can't Stop The Music and Xanadu... the only thing missing in this troika is Thank God It's Friday! My cheesy dvd's sit comfortably with my pretentious Criterion movies. What about Lipstick and The Eyes of Laura Mars?


Two great choices I would say! Just this year, I've watched "Laura Mars" at least six more times though I'd have to dig for my copy of "Lipstick". If I found it on YouTube, I'd be watching it again. What about "Looker"? That showed up on a movie channel recently, and I watched it several more times AND made sure I taped it.

I took yet another look at Tammy's role. Nope! That's just Tammy! She really was an underused character actress and makes me realize how few of her type we have nowadays. Holland Taylor is good at that type of lady, but no one has come along to equal her.




I didn't receive this response, so this is belated. Tammy would have been great in "Bewitched"! Of course, it's great that Elizabeth Montgomery landed the lead, as she really did a wonderful job. Could Tammy do the nose twitch?

I wish that Tammy Grimes had worked a lot more, as she's always delightful.

By the way, "CSTM" is available for free on Epix On Demand. I'm watching it for the "zillionth" time right now and simply cannot understand why so many people hate it. It's so much fun, has enjoyable musical numbers and daffy dialogue, plus an unusual cast it would be difficult to match. It's FUN! Yes, it's silly fun, and it does no harm to anyone. They reference the Judy Garland/Andy Rooney movies, which also were silly, music-filled stories~all of those "Let's put on a show!" Well, this is one of my favorite musical non-musicals. It doesn't take itself seriously for one moment; I think the director did a wonderful job. Go, Rhoda's mom!

After seeing this movie the first time, I bought two albums: the soundtrack and The Ritchie Family. I still have those albums and listen to them when I need a boost to my spirits. From the opening of this movie to the close, I am smiling, giggling and laughing~with delight, not sarcasm. It's sad that Gen Xers hate their history so much, as this is far from being the only film they routinely savagely attack. In contrast, Baby Boomers embrace all of the oddities we grew up with.

As for that movie marathon: I might select "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" over "Looker". Move "Looker" over to the one with "Lipstick" and "Eyes of Laura Mars", all of which are about modeling.

