one thing in its defense

content aside, the film looked good. what do you call it... the cinematography or whatever. i dont know. what i mean is, if you had it playing with the volume down, glanced at it a time or two, i think it'd look visually impressive. and no, im not gay in case anybodies wondering


"Not that there's anything wrong with that!"
- Jerry, denying that he is gay, but not wanting to be seen as anti-gay, in "The Outing"


I see what you mean davidyuill_77 . Despite the awful tacky cheesyness of the movie, it bloody well looks great. And you don't have to be gay to say so.



"Yes you do have to be gay to say so..."
What planet do you people come from? Someone has to be gay to appreciate a certain type of movie do they? Is Steve Guttenberg gay because he made a camp film? Is Valerie Perrine a lesbian too?

You should count your brain cells the next time you decide to use a computer.

God help you!!


I'm not saying that Guttenberg was gay, I'm just saying that it was 70's and folks did do a lot of experimenting back then. Who knows what could happen after 20 rails of coke and a night of dancing?

But seriously, this movie is all kinds of unintentional awesomeness that you don't have to be anywhere near gay to enjoy. You do, however, have to enjoy seeing folks humiliate themselves on film.



Someone has to be gay to appreciate a certain type of movie do they?

LOL, not to suggest it applies necessarily to THIS movie, but, D.U.H.???

At the least, (male) gay porn requires one to be gay to appreciate it for the most part. And yes, some movies have "gay themes" which appeal to gays much more so than people who are straight. This is blatantly self-evident.

No, that does not mean NO ONE not gay will like a film, but it is possible that a film does certainly encourage the probability that an aficionado is going to actually be gay, if male.

And if you have an issue with that, I think you need to take it up FIRST with people (usually gay) who classify some films as "gay cinema" and encourage them, because they deal primarily if not exclusively with gay issues, gay themes, and gay characters.


The art and set design is impressive as are the costumes...there was a definitely a lot of money poured into this movie.


You';re right, the film does look great, it's just a shame it is directed so poorly. I mean, Nancy Walker?? Imagine if this movie had a real director...


"and no, im not gay in case anybodies wondering"

Uhm, I wasn't.


The show sausage in the ending credits (in a PG movie? what?/?) and the ahem Photo Gallery is pretty racy.

I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy.
