the 'Milk Shake' number/commercial.. . scary!!!
wow I didn't know this movie existed and I watch some really bad campy old stuff. This movie is hilarious!!!
I like the Leatherman and Indian!
wow I didn't know this movie existed and I watch some really bad campy old stuff. This movie is hilarious!!!
I like the Leatherman and Indian!
I saw this in Ann Arbor with my friend Wayne in 1980. Wayne's taste ran to Streisand and generalised Disco. We agreed that the Milk Shake number was the most astonishing thing about the movie--we disagreed about our favorite characters--Wayne was a David Hodo fan, I preferred Randy. The Milk Shake blew away the YMCA scene like a dark storm on a summer afternoon. We won't even discuss the abomination from the Ritchie Sisters at the end. I've suggested over the years that friends watch CSTM specifically for the juxtaposition of wholesome milk with SM/BD imagery. The response has usually been odd looks or a refusal to talk about it. Much as I've loved these friends, I wonder sometimes if I've chosen badly. I agree with another posting recommending that CSTM and TBITB deserve new viewers--so long as PARTING GLANCES is thrown in, too.
shareTo me, out of costume it's very hard to tell the difference between the construction worker and the cowboy. They could be twins.
"What's truth got to do with it?"
"What's truth got to do with anything?"
i think the milkshake commercial was one of the best musical numbers i've seen in a movie musical...i LOVED it...mostly because of how i had to scrape my bottom jaw off the floor when it was over.
shareI think that's what it was meant to do. Look at some of the character's faces in the movie.
share@ the big dogma: The construction worker is blond and the cowboy's a brunette... I think that makes them easy enough to tell apart.
With the newspaper strike on, I wouldn't consider dying! /Bette Davis/
As I watched this again for the first time in almost 25 years last weekend, I was hoping that it would have obtained some campy appeal, as a possible cult film, but...not really.