british dvd

Hello everybody here..., well, if i have the japanese imperial dvd and the usa imperial dvd, worths the price of admissión buying the british imperial dvdd?; what differences are there with the other dvds?




Which edition has 210-minute director cut? Thanks!



Thanks for the info. My confusion stems from the IMDB description for this movie, where they mention "210 min (original cut)". If IMDB is wrong, somebody - who knows about this movie more than I do - needs to contact them, otherwise, we'll have more confused people to come.



I think you're an impatient retard, e-mlodik-deux. Contact IMDB re: removing 210-min info if you have such issues, and do not behave like a jerk you are towards me. The brochure included with the Imperial edition says: "The version released in 1984 in Italy, retitled Io Caligola, contains important material that does not exist anywhere in the Penthouse vaults [..] Future releases, we can only hope, will continue to fill in the gaps." (p.11) Also, "the end result was a film probably a little over 3 hours, essentially what appears on Disk 1 of this set [156-min version], but with the lesbian scene and the scene aboard the Imperial Brothel eash lasting about 20 minutes. This padded version was shown at only a few private trade screenings, and all traces of it have vabished". (See p. 7 of brochure). How do YOU know either of those not a 210-version? The second one would certainly get to about 210 min in length. So, do some research before calling anyone "moron", especially as you pose yourself as "I know it all" on this thread.



I'm not trying to argue. Why are you trying to insult me for just asking a question? Don't like it: don't answer.
