What's Not To Like?
I sense it is somewhat accepted and politically correct to dislike this movie for the following reasons:-
- Some of it is reckoned to be excessively unpleasant/obscene (true).
- Thespian bigwigs who it's compulsory to side with (Mirren, Gielgud et al.) distanced themselves from it (true).
- It's production was troubled and it subsequently bombed (true).
But come on folks, lighten up. Am I really the only one who thinks this film is awesome?
Yes, it's massively offensive. Yes, it's about as historically accurate as the Welsh invasion of Stoke-on-Trent. Yes, it fkin' weird as fk.
But doesn't that all add up to entertainment value?
I don't know about you, but i'd call decent actors doing a decent job amid amazing sets in what essentially amounts to a bizarre soft porno pretty damn entertaining.
More love for the full version!
'What?! Am I holding a crock of sh*t? Is this hospital called Saint Crock of Sh*t?!'