Violette's words at the end still confuse me.
When they are talking, she mentions the following:
That's how I found out about Charles Brown. Not knowing how upset Uncle would be, I wrote Monsieur Brown the letter, inviting him to stay with us, during his trip to France.
Marcie then replies: You never answered, Chuck. You never even answered.
My question is-what are they talking about?
Was their a previous letter that was sent before Charlie Brown got the one at the beginning? Also, how did Violette know that Charlie Brown would be going to Le Huron, and of all things, attending the school down the way as an exchange student?
For that matter, if the letter Charlie did receive at the beginning was the letter in question, wouldn't it have arrived after he did if he did respond to it on the day he left?
Or maybe, if there was a previous letter before the one at the beginning of the film, wouldn't the Baron have intercepted it so that it didn't reach Charlie?
It's me, your lovable dictator! Uh-oh. -Bender, Futurama