MovieChat Forums > The Blues Brothers (1980) Discussion > The two greatest car chases in movie his...

The two greatest car chases in movie history.

I admit that I haven't seen them all, but I still feel pretty confidant about that. It's hard to imagine anything topping the mall chase or the big one at the end of the movie.

For that alone, this is a classic (of course there's other things that are great about it, like the "You got my cheese whiz" scene).


The Nazis driving off the unfinished freeway and falling 1000s of feet is pretty damn funny.

And we can’t forget the RV driven by the Good ‘Ol Boys.


Ronin has a really good car chase.


Fantastic car chase scenes.


My favorite car chases was always between the Duke Boys being chased by Sheriff Roscoe P Coltrain


"Bullitt" (1968) and "The French Connection"(1971) always got the press -- and The French Connection won the Best Picture Oscar...but it does seem like "they were the start" and movies like The Blues Brothers and Ronin just got bigger and better.

"Bullitt" was historic in "starting it all" by staging the car chase "on the streets of San Francisco"(on location) and (this was key) with NO PROCESS SCREEN SHOTS AT ALL. The cars chasing each other in Bullitt were never "guys in fake cars faking it in front of footage shot on the highway.

The Blues Brothers just built on that.


And don't forget "Midnight Run".


1. Bullitt
2. The French Connection
