MovieChat Forums > The Blues Brothers (1980) Discussion > 'Hey boy, did you bring me my cheese whi...

'Hey boy, did you bring me my cheese whiz?'

Elwood was just buried under a pile of rubble from a Carrie Fisher missile blast. Yet 5 minutes later he pulls a pristine can of cheese whiz (CHEESE WHIZ!) out of his pocket and tosses a perfect strike to the old man. The old timer catches the cheese whiz and immediately gets back to his card game without missing a beat.

That scene was amusing. Perhaps it was meant to add charm and comic relief. Anyone else have a take on the point of that scene?


At least get the line right:

"You bring me my Cheeze Whiz, boy?"


At least get the line right.

"Did you get me my Cheez Whiz, boy?"


just looks like some bullshit product placement


The old man that asks about, and catches, the can of cheez whiz was the make up artist for the film.

I read somewhere that this scene was purely an inside joke and not supposed to make any sense to the viewer.


There was a deleted scene that showed Elwood quitting his job at the Cheese Wiz factory. So we know where he got the Cheese Wiz.


I was under the impression that the factory did not manufacture Cheez Whiz, per se, but that they made aerosol cans. What he grabbed off of the line were two cans that were later used to overinflate cop tires and to adhere the Good Ol' Boys' gas pedal to the floor.

The man had some useful stuff in that briefcase.....

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heh heh......I just saw the Family Guy where Stewie did this line in the playground..

Sie woll´n mein Herz am rechten Fleck doch seh ich dann nach unten weck dann schlägt es links


He also had a can towards the end of the movie that he used with a lighter to fry the elevator controls.


Fun fact: my dad happened to walk by when they were filming the missile scene. He said tried waving to the camera (which I'm sure the filmmakers didn't appreciate).

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Layne Britton was the name of the actor who played the old man.
